
Sit or Stand

Keyboards offer a unique ability to change how you physically approach your playing. You can sit or stand and everything inbetween.

How to Play Under Prayer

Playing in the background while someone is speaking or praying is an essential skill every keyboard player must know to play in a live setting. It is a great way to connect with the speaker and help engage the audience. It is definitely something you want to think about and practice before...

Solve Common Nord Stage 2 Problems

With all of the controls literally at your fingertips the Nord Stage 2 is primed and ready for the a slip of the finger, a bump of the palm, or the tap of a falling music book to interrupt even the most sacred of moments. Here are a few things to check when ...

Types of Keyboards

Is there anything better than walking into a showroom with keyboards filling the floor and lining the walls!? Rows of black and white keys, the aroma of new warm plastic, and blinking lights everywhere alongside glowing screens!

10 Key Parts To Listen For Intentionally

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ― Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

Start Keyboarding Today

If you have never played keyboards before or are just starting out, then this is the place to begin!